Tribute to the Martyred Heroes of the Cordillera
The Kalayaan Centre in Vancouver, Canada, pays tribute:
"As part of the international "Stop the Killings in the Philippines" Campaign, BIBAK and the British Colunbia Committee for Human Rights in the Phililppines organized a "Tribute to the Martyred Heroes of the Cordillera" Liturgy of Celebration and Renewal of Commitment: In memory of our martyrs in honour of the generation next to come. "There was good attendance, powerful testimonials fromthe relatives of alyce and markus brought tears to the eyes of many of those present, community singing of "pananagutan" sung in tagalog and then english brought a warm sense of community, and the speakers challenged the community, expressing that this is just the beginning of the work that we need to do to ensure that the principals that markus and alyce fought for continues, as overseas cordillerans and filipinos our existance is always connected to our land and what takes place back home.
"Relatives, friends, and community members danced for justice to be served against those responsible for the deaths of markus, alyce, and all the victims of the political killings in the philippines.
"The tribute ended in high spirits with a feast of delicious foods including fresh wild sockeye salmon donated by local native fisherman of the Cheam First Nation."
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